Twitter is famous for its 140-character limit and sometimes, its users find it difficult to say all the things they want to say in just a single tweet because of this restriction. That’s why some people are looking for other ways to post longer tweets on twitter.
Actually, there are a lot of sites that offer this kind of service and each of them has their own “unique” feature. Check out these sites that lets you post longer tweets on Twitter:
1. RichTweets
RichTweets lets you create full HTML tweets with colors, images, links, videos, and widgets. It lets you sign in using Twitter OAuth.

2. TwitterContd
TwitterContd lets you post long tweets but has a limit of 1250 characters. You can also upload images, audio, video, and documents up to 100 MB in size. There’s also an integrated URL shortener and music search bar.
NOTE: When you use this, you tweets will be broken into parts. You can choose the separator that you would like to use for each part.

3. ezTweets
ezTweets lets you post tweets with no character limit. Just like TwitterContd, your tweets will be broken into parts. Aside from Twitter, you can also use it to update your Facebook status.

4. lets you write anything you want no matter how long it is. When you’re done, just click Save Txt and it will give you a shortened URL that you can tweet or share with your friends to read the text you created.

5. TinyPaste
TinyPaste is almost the same like but this one has more functions and formatting capabilities. With TinyPaste, you can insert images, links, videos, and etc. You can also protect your tweet by adding a password. Once you’re done, you can click Submit and you’ll be given a shortened URL that you can include on your tweet so your followers can read the full text.

6. XLTweet
XLTweet lets you post extra long tweets. It has a neat interface and a formatting toolbar that you can use to add style to your tweet.

7. Twextra
8. TweetExtend
TweetExtend lets you post up to 14,000 characters per tweet. The interface is so simple, just type your message in the box and when you’re done, just click Sign in with Twitter.

9. TwitLonger
Read my post about Twitlonger.
10. Bigger.Twitter

11. JumboTweet

12. Long Tweets

13. Tweetc
Just like the other tools above, Tweetc lets you post longer tweets to Twitter.
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