Android SDK - Installation and Startup Guide

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Ultimate guide to install Android SDK!

AndroidA robot with a human appearance. A open source robot that any one,even you can make your own application with android for you or for million of Android user.yeah! So, starting with Basic terminology [installation] of android SDK.

How to install Android SDK on Computer?

well its even easy to install Andorid SDK on computer. Here is 6 simple Steps you can follow for intallation of Andorid SDK.

1st Step...

Download and Install the Android SDK.

a. Download the Android SDK  [ Right now its available for major OS like Windows,MAC and Linux].
b. Install/Extract the downloaded SDK.
c. Go to the directory where you installed the SDK [i.e C:\] and open SDK Manager to open Android SDK and AVD Manager.
d. In AVD manager under Available Packages you can see different versions of SDK’s.
e. Select SDK Platform tools and one of the version of SDK and click on install.

2nd Step...

Downloading Eclipse Software

Although there are lot of IDE out there Eclipse is recommended IDE which will give you best support for Android app development.

3rd Step...

Installing Android Development Toolkit [ADT] plug-in.

a. Open Eclipse s/w and under Help -> Install New Software…

b. Now you will see a window which allows you to install new plug-in.

c. Click on Add button and in Name and in Location give the link and proceed with further steps. You can see window like below:
click on image to enralge

4th Step...

click on image to enralge
Creating Sample Project android project involves very few steps:

a. In your Eclipse IDE go to File and Android Project.

b. Give Project Name, Select Build Target, Application Name, Package Name, Activity Name, Min SDK version and click Finish. 

c. Now you can see bunch of files created in the project explorer.

For Example like this side image-:
5th Step...

Creating New Android Virtual Device [AVD]

The AVD is an emulator which provides you android hardware and software environment to test application on computer.

click on image to enralge

a. In Eclipse open SDK Manager under Windows and Android SDK and AVD Manager.
b. Click on New on the right side. [Like this side image show]
c. Give Name, Select Target give SD Card size and click on Create AVD.
d. Now a new AVD is created with the specification you provided and Close the Android SDK and AVD Manager.

6th Step...

How to RUN the Project?

a. Right Click on the project in Package Explore and click on Run As -> Android Application.

click on image to enralge

b. Now you can see an AVD is opened and booting up. [It might take much time to launch AVD for the first time].

c. Once the AVD started you can see the output on the AVD screen.

Thats It!! Easy? hope this post Help you to your 1st installation of Android SDK.


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{ 2 comments... read them below or add one }

Joanne said...

Thanks Vicky. Just what I needed!

Vicky Sadhu said...

@joanne my pleasure!

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